In order to meet the modern requirements in terms of the quality of the products offered and to meet the client’s requirements to meet the needs of the 21st century, we have built a Quality Management System (QMS) based on the EN ISO 9001 standard.
Its basic features of our Quality Management System are: care for customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of the quality of services we offer.
The positive role and value of the QMS was confirmed by the external certification carried out in September 2006 by the British company BSI Management Systems. Every six months, and from 2010 once a year, we submit to external auditing processes that help us meet the stringent quality requirements we have committed to.
Area of our certified activity is: sales of powder coatings, liquid coatings, anti-corrosion and fire-defending coatings as well as customer service in the above-mentioned range.
Our Quality Management System includes all aspects of activity that are important from the point of view of the current and potential client so that we can constantly improve the competitiveness of our company.
Our main task is to provide our clients with high quality products and services in a planned and supervised manner. It is a way to gain full trust of customers and opinions of their reliable partner.
We ensure that this Quality Policy is known to all employees of our company, constituting the main guidelines regarding the quality of our offer. On this basis, we commit ourselves to reliable fulfillment of requirements by our clients and continuous improvement of our Quality Management System.

The following quality objectives are an integral part of our Quality Policy:
- adapting the offer to the clients’ requirements;
- high quality of the product;
- ensuring timeliness of deliveries;
- professional and fast technical service;
- preventing the occurrence of overdue receivables;
- continuous improvement of employees’ qualifications;
- cost optimization;
- customer satisfaction surveys.
We hope that undertaking a challenge regarding the implementation of the above issues will allow us to achieve the intended results, and give our clients the satisfaction of the offered products and cooperation with us.