Since the company was started in 1993, the three main values on which we concentrate our philosophy are: employees, technical knowledge and the best quality in each field of our operation.
Our employees are high quality specialists with the best technical knowledge and experience in their own field of expertise. They have skills that are improved during internal and external training courses. In some specific cases of our operation we use outsourcing services from our partners.
The high quality of our products and technical service regarding their use has been confirmed by many external references, including certificates and prizes. We also receive a number of reference letters from our clients regarding the largest and most prestigious investments carried out in Poland and other European countries. We develop our knowledge of particular industries and products used in them by participating in industry organizations.
Our own technical base consisting of a laboratory and the necessary instruments, as well as extensive contacts with specialist Institutes, allow us to meet even the most demanding expectations of our clients and their undertakings. A modern warehouse makes trading goods fast and secure. We also have mixers that allow you to get the required color by the customer.
For the sake of security of cooperation with our clients, we have introduced General Sales Conditions of goods and services offered by our company.
All of the above are run under constant supervision from our Quality Management System, which is based on the EN ISO 9001 standard. Its value and importance has been confirmed by outside certification from the British company BSI Management Systems in September 2006. Each six months we are externally audited which helps us to maintain high quality standards to which we have committed too.

We offer to our Clients renowned and valued by Customers products from the Producers who are leaders in their own fields:
- ANTYCORROSIVE COATINGS: PPG Protective & Marine Coatings (Amercoat, Amerlock, Dimetcote), Dr. DEMUTH, WILCKENS,
- FIRE PROTECTIVE COATINGS: PPG Intumescents (Steelguard),
- SPECIAL PAINTS: Chemline, Adwanced Polymer Coatings,
- ALUMINIUM: gates, fences, fourniture,